Sunday, July 23, 2006
Hmmm, Well, what can i say about a great man, realy dont know how to tell everyone on that he lived a wonderfull life, loved to fish, had the biggest heart a man could have or anyone for tha matter, would give anyone the shirt off his back in a metor storm even if it ment he would get burned,love to fish... alot, hehehe when i graduted from washougal high school in 1993 grampa Fryberger was tapeing it and when they called my name over the claps and yells i could hear him say, look their my grandson i am so proud of him, then when it was over ive never realy seen a old man run down stairs as fast as he did, when i walk up to him the bear hug he gave about broke my back :. then when i showed him my diploma it was a empty case he said with a smile, well aleast you tryed and even know that the case is empty Deemer i am still proud of you...this man will always be one of my hero\'s, my friend my teacher..I love you Granpa and have fun fishing with your brother\'s, just send my Father a couple every now and then so he can still tell everyone that he caught more then you... Love you always your grandson Deemer Shawn Fryberger