Obituaries & Tributes
This section contains helpful information such as our current & past obituaries as well as who to contact to send flowers.
We understand that it is not always possible to attend a service or visitation in person, so we encourage you to use our beautifully designed interactive online tributes to pay your respects. Leave a condolence, share a memory, post a photo, light a candle and more!
Send Flowers
Our local florists are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements backed by their professionalism and prompt service.
Online Obituary Form
We provide our On-line Obituary Information Form for the purpose of allowing you and your family to submit to us, the information about your loved one that you would like to appear in their obituary listing on our website, as well as, to be reported to local newspapers and/or periodicals for publication in their obituaries pages.
Straub's Funeral Home
325 NE 3rd Avenue
Camas, Washington 98607
Phone: (360) 834-4563